BURN PILE: Letterheads above the rest; Longform for long drives; sleepless, post-Seattle

Letterhead_nautical_CC Off the top of our 'heads: Shaun Usher, who curates the excellent Letters of Note website, also gathers links to hi-res images of letterheads from the likes of James Brown, David Bowie, Anaïs Nin, John Steinbeck, Terry Gilliam's production house, and more.

Longform for long drives: The CutBank crew is headed to AWP this week—perhaps you'd care to drop by our table at the book fair or help us celebrate Issue No. 80? To make the caravan to Seattle a bit more enjoyable, we've stocked up on episodes of the Longform podcast—long, compelling interviews with the likes of George Saunders, Ariel Levy, Ta-Nehisi Coates. And, if you're not driving, we encourage you to listen on Longform's site, where you can find links to the pieces discussed.

And, for post-AWP recuperation... BrainPickings' Maria Popova collaborated with Accurat and Wendy MacNaughton to create this elegant chart, "Famous Writers' Sleep Habits and Literary Productivity." (Detail) Give yourself some rest after a long week in Seattle before you get back to a Murakami-like work schedule.